sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2012

Capirinha History

The word caipirinha is the diminutive version of the word caipira, which refers to someone from the countryside, being an almost exact equivalent of the American English hillbilly or the Lowland Scots teucher. The word may be used as either a masculine or a feminine noun, but when referring to this drink it is only feminine (usage of diminutives is common in Brazil). In the Brazilian vocabulary, the word caipirinha is mostly associated with the drink itself rather than the class of person.
Have more then 10 derivations on the world. You can see the most important here:
  • The Caipivodka (also known as Caipiroska, Caipiroshka or Caipirovka), in which vodka substitutes for cachaça.
  • The Caipiroska Negra, Black Caipiroshka or Caipiblack is made with black vodka instead of cachaça.
  • Caipiríssima is a caipirinha made with rum instead of cachaça; the word was coined for an advertisement for a popular rum brand in the late '70s.
  • Caipifruta is a variation made with cachaça and other fruits instead of lime, typically found in tourist areas.
  • CaipirItaly is a variation from Italy. It's made using Campari instead of cachaça.
  • Sakeirinha or Caipisakê is a version made with sake.
  • Caipinheger is another variation made using Steinhäger.
  • Morangoska is a Portuguese variation made using strawberries instead of lime.
  • Caipirão is another Portuguese variation made using Licor Beirão instead of cachaça. Beirão liquor is very sweet, so no sugar is used.

  • Try some one.

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